The Division annually serves:
- About 3000 newborns
- About 1000 newborns from high risk pregnancies
- Up to 400 sick and immature newborns
- Mother and newborn joint stay wards
- Department of intensive care
- Second stage nursing department
What makes us different?
Only we offer:
- Newborns are transferred to other hospitals exceptionally in cases requiring urgent highly specialized treatment
- All kinds of non-invasive respiratory support are applied, including Bubble CPAP and High flow systems
- Modern therapeutic hypothermia treatment method in asphyxiated neonates using Tecotherm Neo device
- Electroencephalography for mature and immature newborns
- Ultrasound scanning of brain and lungs at the patient’s bed
- PDA closure surgery at extremely low birth weight babies
- Mother stays at the hospital in specially designed ward throughout the whole treatment process, taking an active part in it.
- Wide use of kangaroo method
- Team approach towards treating patients
- Survival rates in mature and immature newborns are comparable to European

How our Department differs from others:
Only at our Center:
- Newborns with health problems are not transferred to other hospitals (except cases of an urgent surgical pathology).
- Nursing of children is carried out in the advanced incubators and systems of caring for the intensive therapy, equipped with systems servo-control temperature and humidity.
- All kinds of noninvasive respiratory support are applied, including stream and bubble CPAP, system of high stream with humidifying, nasal cannulas of very low stream.
- Artificial ventilation of lungs is performed taking into account the advanced concepts of respiratory therapy: traditional, trigger, of high-frequency.
- The Department is equipped with the only one of its kind in Armenia high-frequency oscillator for treatment of such complications of pulmonary diseases, as barotrauma and persistent pulmonary hypertension.
- Ultrasound scanning of brain at the patient’s bed.
- Maintaining constant contact between the child with health problems and the mother and family.
- Team approach to the solution of problems and treatment of patient
- Indicators of survival rate among patients and premature newborn children are comparable to the European.
The department is permanent clinical base of the Chair of Neonatology and Pediatrics of Yerevan State Medical University. Resident physicians work in the department the year round. Doctors and nurses from all over the republic retrain here.
Scientific work
Scientific priorities of the Department are the therapy of respiratory frustration in the newborns and treatment improvement of newborns with low and extremely low weight. Four doctors of the division have passed Ph.D on this subjects. Due to the qualified training of the staff and availability of all necessary conditions it was possible to carry out randomized controllable research comparing Bubble CPAP and Infant Flow driver systems right after birth. Research results can be significant in practice of respiratory therapy all over the world. The research was carried out together with colleagues from the Department of Neonatal Medicine of London Imperial College.
For about 10 years the department permanently cooperates with London Imperial College of Medicine, University Prenatal Center of Zurich, and the Center of the WHO in Trieste, Italy.
Phone: +374 10 53 14 32