The Division performs medical proceedings directed to the preservation of reproductive health of married couples and restoration of genital function in cases of decreased fertility at couples.
The basic directions of clinical activity of the division:
- Treatment of patients with endocrine infringements of reproductive system (anovulation, disovulation, with various forms of hyperandrogenemia (SPO, АGS), an endometriosis, premenopausal and menstrual painful syndrome.
- Treatment of dysfunctional uterine bleedings during various periods of woman’s life from teenage (juvenile bleedings) up to pre-and-post menopausal age.
- Treatment of climacteric syndrome with use of hormonal replacement therapy. Not hormonal methods of preventive maintenance and syndrome treatment are also applied.
- Diagnostics and therapy of inflammatory processes of viral and bacterial etiology, sexually transmitted diseases (STD).
- Introduction and removal of devices (IUD).
- Biopsy of uterine cervix and separate curettage of the cervix and uterine cavity.
- Treatment of background diseases of uterine cervix.
- Interruption of the pregnancy (abortion).
Depending on pregnancy conditions and also on the state of women’ health and their wishes, the Center uses the following kinds of interruption of pregnancy:
- Medicament abortion - at delay of menstruation up to 62 days. Medicament abortion proceeds practically as menstruation, does not demand anesthesia and surgical intervention, i.e. it is less traumatic. Efficiency of medicament abortion is 96 %.
- Surgical interruption of pregnancy by method of vacuum-aspiration up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. At vacuum-aspiration mucous of uterus is received by minimum damage. Procedure is done under intravenous anesthesia.
- Pregnancy interruption on terms from 13 weeks to 22 weeks pregnancy is done in case of medical indications (surgical and medicament means).
Dear Patients!
It is necessary to remember, that abortion has negative influence on woman’s organism and can cause inflammatory diseases, sterility, endometriosis. Despite the presence of highly qualified experts, and sparing methods of interruption of pregnancy, RCMCHP health professionals recommend using contraceptives for prevention of undesirable pregnancy.

Phone: +374 10 53 18 30